The site is located on Blocks 4 and 5 Section 5 City. The site is located on the corner of London Circuit and Farrell Place; with the light rail works already underway, there is a proposed tram stops only approx. 100m away, which will result in an increase of pedestrian traffic.
The site offers a wide advantageous aspect, as the frontages on London Circuit, Farrell Place, as well as Shakespeare Square will be highly activated public zones. Both the commercial office entry and the public café will be accessed from London Circuit, the hotel will have its own set down on Farrell Place.
The projected character for the proposed mix use building are strongly informed by the unique interface conditions that they sit within as well as a responsibility towards the creation and integration of a broader urban streetscape and urban realm.
The proposed development comprises of a 5-star hotel, with generous public offerings in form of a café, and restaurant and bar. These are situated on the ground and first floor to allow for a seamless transition between building and the public realm.
The foundational organisational strategy utilises dual lift cores to facilitate a high amenity 5-star hotel at level 2 - 9, and commercial offices at level 10 – 14, separated by a garden and plant level.
The proposal seeks to achieve a framing role in the greater urban redevelopment, to achieve urban balance and symmetry, which dates back to the NCDC era.
The proposal reinstates the colonnade on London Circuit; with its double height it offers a generous gesture in the civic context. The primary public functions are situated here.
The development proposes the use of a façade module, or ‘measure’ that is related to a pedestrian or human scale. This measure simultaneously orders the façade, both horizontally and vertically, and is subtly adjusted at certain points to offer greater degrees of privacy to hotel rooms. The commercial element sits as an illuminated light box, floating above the hotel, suggesting transparency and weightlessness.
Taken as a whole the building appears textured on the lower hotel volume, light and translucent above, separated by a garden layer.