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The site is zoned CZ1 - Core Zone.


CZ1 has the following zone objectives:

  1. Encourage a mix of predominantly commercial land uses that contribute to a diverse and active character.

    • The proposed development comprises of a 5-star hotel, with generous public offerings in form of a café, and restaurant and bar. These are situated on the ground and first floor to allow for a seamless transition between building and the public realm. 

  2. Provide for a range of conveniently located retail and service outlets.

    • The proposed development comprises of a 5-star hotel, with generous public offerings in form of a café, and restaurant and bar. These are situated on the ground and first floor to allow for a seamless transition between building and the public realm. 

  3. Promote vibrant, interesting and lively street frontages including during evenings and weekends

    • The proposal reinstates the colonnade on London Circuit; with its double height it offers a generous gesture in the civic context. The primary public functions are situated here. The design proposes the use of a façade module, or ‘measure’ that is related to a pedestrian or human scale. This measure simultaneously orders the façade, both horizontally and vertically, and is subtly adjusted at certain points to offer greater degrees of privacy to hotel rooms.

  4. ​Encourage an attractive, safe and well-lit pedestrian environment with convenient access to public transport.

    • The proposed development has been architecturally designed to deliver a high standard of public spaces and pedestrian routes. The proposal seeks to maximise the public activation aspect wherever possible. The London Circuit façade is fully activated, the Farrell Place façade is activated to 75%, while Shakespeare Place achieves activation on both the lower and upper corner. 

  5. ​Maintain and enhance a high standard of urban design through use of sustainable design and materials and ensure that buildings retain a high level of design consistency and compatibility.

    • Consistent with the greater precinct approach, the London Circuit development will aim to be carbon neutral, fully electrified, and include the following active sustainability measures:
      - PV 
      - Greenstar 
      - NABERS 4.5min

  6. ​Provide opportunities for business investment and employment

    • The proposed development provides a commercial and retail offering and will provide an array of employment opportunities.​

  7. Maintain and enhance environmental amenity.

    • The proposal contributes to achieving urban symmetry within the city west development plan, it respects the order of planning, and – together with the Capitol Building - frames the corner of the precinct. 
      Activation of Shakespeare Square includes new proposed landscaping, greater accessibility, and interaction between the public and the proposed development. 

  8. Promote the establishment of cultural and community identity that is representative of, and appropriate to, the place

    • The proposed development has been architecturally designed to deliver a high standard of amenity, retail amenity and provide a cohesive relationship with the surrounding area and activation of the ground plane and the surrounding pedestrian spaces. ​

  9. ​Promote active living and active travel.

    • The site planning affords multiple opportunities for public accessibility. The public realm is one of the biggest features of the development; the development is actively engaging with the site context through the café and commercial access on London Circuit, and the hotel lobby on Farrell Place. 
      Due to the light rail works, the hotel set down has been moved from London Circuit originally, to Farrell Place, adjacent to the hotel entrance. The hotel offers valet underground parking for guests; the development also provides commercial car parking, as well as bicycle parking with generous EOT amenities. 

  10. Provide a high quality public realm by facilitating active uses on ground floor level that connects with the wider open space, pedestrian and cycle networks to promote active travel and active living

    • The proposed development has been designed to incorporate attractive, safe and well-lit and connected pedestrian footpaths with the crime prevention principles in mind.​

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