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Block 1 Section 51 Lawson is zoned RZ5 - High Density Residential Zone.


RZ5 has the following zone objectives:

  1. Provide for the establishment and maintenance of residential areas where the housing is generally high density in character particularly in areas that have very good access to facilities and services and/ or frequent public transport services.

    • This development proposes approximately 500 build to rent apartments. The residential development will have good access to facilities and services for the future resident population including on road cycling routes and community routes. 

  2. ​Provide opportunities for redevelopment by enabling changes to the original pattern of subdivision and the density of dwellings.

    • Not relevant to this proposal as this is the first time the site is to be developed.

  3. ​Provide for a wide range of affordable and sustainable housing choices that meet changing household and community needs.

    • The proposed development includes a variety of housing choices including a mixture of one, two and three bedroom units. The proposal further seeks to offer affordable rental options (currently under discussions with the ACT Government)

  4. ​Ensure development and redevelopment is carefully managed so that it achieves a high standard of residential amenity, makes a positive contribution to the neighbourhood and landscape character of the area and does not have unreasonable negative impacts on neighbouring properties.

    • The proposed development has been architecturally designed to deliver a high standard of residential amenity and provide a cohesive relationship with the neighbourhood and the adjoining streetscape. The design and separation of the development from surrounding areas means it will not create unreasonable negative impacts on neighbouring properties.

  5. ​Provide opportunities for home based employment consistent with residential amenity.

    • Individual apartments have been designed for functionality and amenity. Design of dwellings will support a range of potential home-based employment opportunities.

  6. Provide for a limited range of small-scale facilities to meet local needs consistent with residential amenity.

    • No commercial uses are proposed for the development.

  7. Promote good solar access.

    • The proposed development has been designed to maximise solar access to individual units, and will result in high quality residential amenity.

  8. ​Promote energy efficiency and conservation.

    • Energy efficiency is being explored by the proponent and is still to be integrated into the design of the buildings.

  9. ​Promote sustainable water use

    • A Water Sensitive Urban Design Strategy is being developed to promote sustainable water use. 

  10. ​Promote active living and active travel.

    • The site is afforded excellent proximity to open space nature reserves, cycle networks and pedestrian paths that will promote active living. The suburb of Lawson is served by public transport. Active travel and active living are supported by the proximity of the well-established cycle network and permeable landscape design proposed on-site which provides spaces for recreation of residents.

  11. ​Encourage an attractive, safe, well-lit and connected pedestrian environment with convenient access to public transport.

    • The proposed development has been designed to incorporate attractive, safe and well-lit and connected pedestrian footpaths with the crime prevention principles in mind. The proposed development is accessible and permeable for future residents allowing residents to access all of the sites’ frontages. 

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